Written by Administrator
Sunday, 01 July 2007 |
Educational Section for SaySo: HIgh School Students:- Stay in school - you won't regret it.
- If possible stick with a high school diploma, GED's won't earn you as much money as a diploma will.
- If getting a GED is a better option, plan to continue your education beyond a GED at a community college or vocational school. Trades are oftentimes earning more money than college degrees right now.
- If you are working and going to school, try to limit your weekly hours to 20 or less. More than 20 hours and your grades will suffer. Not cool.
- SIgn up for www.OnYourWay.org : A planning for your future website that offers lots of information and interactive features for budgeting, creating a resume, and a personal portfolio of all your information...with security so you won't loose it.
- Traditional high school holding you back? Talk to your guidance department about the other options you have:
- Check out the dual enrollment program(you can get your high school diploma and college credit at the same time through a community college).
- Middle or Early College Programs
- Vocational options including apprenticeships and internships.
- Review your school transcript...frequently to see if you have enough credits to graduate. It may be worth taking summer school classes to graduate with your friends.
Planning for more education beyond high school?- Sign up for www.OnYourWay.org : A planning for your future website that offers a lot of information and interactive features for financial aid, budgeting, creating a resume, and a personal portfolio of all your information...with security so you won't loose it.
- Financial aid. Make sure you fill out the FAFSA to apply for financial aid as soon as you can after January 1 of your senior year of high school. You can file the forms you need to at this website: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov It will take some time to fill out the forms but the financial reward is worth it.
- Some suggestions for filling out the FAFSA forms:
- Review the form first.
- Read every question before answering.
- Make sure you have all the information needed.
- Get someone to help you fill out and review the form.
- If you are still in FOSTER CARE - Say "yes" to question number 53, which asks, "Are both your parents deceased or are you a dependent/ward of the court?"
- DO NOT put any information about your biological or foster parents in the form.
- Hints for completing the form and answers to common questions can also be found at http://www.finaid.org
- CLICK HERE forTIPS on how to fill out the FAFSA...The tips were created JUSTfor foster youths.
- Check out the ETV program...http://www.statevoucher.org Click on the North Carolina link and apply on-line to be eligible for up to $5000 per year to help you through school beyond financial aide awards.
- Don't forget to sign up for the SAT's. Take it your junior year at least once and again in fall of your senior year.
- Check out a bunch of different vocational and trade programs, which can offer REAL WORLD job training and great salaries. The job market is currently full of needs in machinery, electronics, repair, technology, medical, nursing, teaching, and others that can be satisfied with a certificate or graduation from a two year program.
- You can also visit North Carolinas own college foundation website to find information in regards to applying for colleges, financial aid and other questions that you may have at http://www.cfnc.org.
- Princeton Review is a great resource for anyone getting ready for their college search. The website is http://www.princetonreview.com/home.asp is a website that anyone can register with in order to find information on: Colleges, financial aid, scholarships, SAT and ACT prep tests and courses and so much more.
CLICK HERE FOR HELPFUL FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION College Students- Try to maintain a regular routine including healthy eating and sleeping habits.
- Start a study group to stimulate your thinking but also make friends.
- Get involved in the FREE activities at your school - even if your are not sure whether you'll like it. You never know.
- Even if you have a s solid plan for a career and future, consider signing up for On Your Way: A planning for your future website that offers a lot of information and interactive features for financial aid, budgeting creating a resume, and a personal portfolio of all your information...with security so you won't loose it.
- Contact SaySo about starting a local chapter at your college. More current and previous foster youths are attending college. SaySo can help you get in touch with young people just like you. The support is essential and SaySo is always getting more information that can help you along the way.
CLICK HERE - For a list of ALL North Carolina Four Year Colleges CLICK HERE - For a list of ALL North Carolina Community Colleges Helpful Documents for New College Students: Preparing for College Attending College |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 01 April 2010 )