NC Reach is a state funded scholarship offered for up to 4 years, including fall, spring, and summer school terms. The program funds up to the school’s full cost of attendance after other public funds and scholarships have been applied. NC Reach provides comprehensive student support, including Virtual Mentors, Care Packages, and internships.
NC Reach helps students meet the basic financial requirements they face when enrolled in postsecondary education. The amount of funding students receive is based, in part, on the Cost of Attendance (COA) determined by their school.
Am I eligible for NC Reach?
North Carolina students are eligible for NC Reach if :
They are legal residents of North Carolina eligible for in-state tuition rates.
They were adopted from North Carolina DSS foster care after age 12 or aged out of NC foster care at age 18 (must have been in NC DSS foster care on 18th birthday.).
They are enrolled in one of the 74 North Carolina Public colleges, universities, or community colleges.
They have not yet reached age 26. Student remain eligible until their 26th birthday.
Visit www.ncreach.org to learn more, apply online, participate in web-based seminars, and connect to state resources to help you succeed in college.