Casey Life Skills
As of September 30, 2012, the Ansell-Casey Life Skills Assessment is no longer available. The Casey Life Skills assessment will be used instead.
This assessment can be used online or on a printed version of the assessment.
A Guidebook and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are available to assist with learning the new assessment.
Each county creates their own profile.
Each LINKS worker creates their own log in – connect to the Agency Profile.
If other agency workers create a log in, they should also connect to the Agency Profile, and be aware they too would have access to other youth CLS records.
If the agency selects a central administrator (like the LINKS Coordinator), you can invite co-workers from your agency profile page.
Go to www.caseylifeskills.org
Click “Create a free account” or “sign in”
Click the youth you want to review or “Add New Youth”: Enter first, last and Date of Birth
Locate youth in log and determine how the CLS will be administered:
a. You can then either start/return to an assessment on line right away
b. Send youth an email to start the assessment online at their location.
c. Print a blank form of the assessment
d. Youth creates their own account (See Complete Guidebook for Instructions)
Which Youth assessment? CLS must be completed by youth. (Other youth assessment options may need to be considered especially for youths younger than age 13 or with special consideration, i.e., homelessness.) Other options are at youth and worker discretion.
Choose the assessment and agree to the security terms. (Worker will be logged out at this time for youth to complete assessment if this option is chosen.)
The assessment can be saved and exited at any time.
As questions are answered, youths will move through seven areas (Daily Living, Self-care, Relationships & Communications, Housing & Money Management, Work & Study Life, Career & Education, and Looking Forward).
A Caregiver can be invited to take the assessment only AFTER the youth has completed their assessment. Caregivers can take the assessment in one of three ways:
A Comparison Report will be prepared once the Caregiver assessment is complete.
How to use the CLS Assessment – the Basics
Agency and worker accounts via CLS