Here is some Basic Information about LINKS:
You (the young adult) have to be involved in assessing what you know and need to know to make a successful transition.
You also have to be involved in writing your transition plan which has goals related to those things you learned in the assessment part.
You are eligible to receive services to meet those goals if they are related to the SEVEN LINKS Outcomes listed below.
Every DSS has a LINKS Coordinator (sometimes more than one person share this job) to help LINKS aged youths.
Every DSS has funding available to provide those services however the amount depends on the county. The DSS also can apply to the state NCLINKS program to reimburse the DSS if you need something that falls within the special funding category. This is not guaranteed funding.
You can continue your education after high school with the help of ETV and NCReach (see educational page for more information).
NCLINKS is the program in North Carolina to assist young adults
(ages 13-21) with their transition to adulthood - which means "getting out on your own!" All the policies about LINKS can be found on this website-http://www.ncdhhs.gov/dss/links/
Here is some Basic Information about LINKS:
You (the young adult) have to be involved in assessing what you know and need to know to make a successful transition.
You also have to be involved in writing your transition plan which has goals related to those things you learned in the assessment part.
You are eligible to receive services to meet those goals if they are related to the SEVEN LINKS Outcomes listed below.
Every DSS has a LINKS Coordinator (sometimes more than one person share this job) to help LINKS aged youths.
Every DSS has funding available to provide those services however the amount depends on the county. The DSS also can apply to the state NCLINKS program to reimburse the DSS if you need something that falls within the special funding category. This is not guaranteed funding.
You can continue your education after high school with the help of ETV and NCReach (see educational page for more information).
That's a lot of stuff to have ready before you leave foster care but with support from your LINKS coordinator and SaySo, you can do it!
These are the SEVEN LINKS Outcomes (the things that will help you make a better transition).
Some hints to help you out:
Start getting work experiences as soon as you can and save as much as you can.
If you are having trouble in a subject at school, don't wait - get help or tutoring as soon as you can.
Think about what career interests you and find out what kind of education you need to be ready for that career.
Get support from other young adults like you in your LINKS group and SaySo. You are not alone.
Ask Questions... you are not expected to know everything at this point in your life so you might as well try to get all the information you can while folks are trying to help.
Participate in your CFT (Child & Family Team) meetings. This is important. See our CFT information so you know more about how to participate to get your need met.
Attend your court hearings or communicate with the judge by letter if necessary. It is important for the judge to know the person he or she is making decisions about.
Remember most of all...PARTICIPATE IN YOUR LIFE!
Don't let "them" (anyone) make decisions about you without you!