SaySo Young Adult Leadership Council
The SaySo Young Adult Leadership Council (YALC) is an elected body of young people who meet the eligibility for SaySo membership. Each of the six regions can elect up to three representatives to the YALC to serve a one year term. Elections are held only on SaySo Saturday, our annual membership conference held the first Saturday of March. The YALC is the only voting branch of the SaySo Team (adults and SRA's do not have voting power). Members are nominated and voted upon during the Regional meetings held at SaySo Saturday. Elected YALC members are commissioned in June at SaySo Orientation.
The YALC is also comprised of several leadership roles including: 2 co-chairs, secretary, treasure, and sgt. at. arms. At most, the YALC can have a total of 20 members serving.